Traditional Service

We hold two services at the same time, in two rooms across a shared hall.  This way, everyone who comes to FCC Tyler begins and ends in a shared middle space. Staying together on one schedule keeps us together as one family.

Services begin at 9:30 a.m.

After worship and an intentional 15-minute break, we offer Sunday School for all ages. The goal of this time is to develop friendships as well as faith, to offer engagement and to grow connections that draw us into mutual care and service.

Housed in FCC’s original sanctuary, our Traditional service is a mix of time-tested elements and fresh energy. It includes a choir, organ, frequent special music, and often
familiar pieces of singing/ reading (like the Lord’s Prayer, Gloria Patri and Doxology). Communion is taken seated in pews, in unison.

You’ll find a range of casual to business casual attire in the room, which welcomes an average of 150-175 people on Sundays. 

Young children most often sit with their families until half-way through this service, when they’re invited into Children’s Hour programming. They move with adult volunteers. 

Rev. Dr. Chris Pulliam is the leader of FCC’s Traditional service since coming to Tyler as Senior Minister in 2008. He was trained at Brite Divinity School and holds a doctor of ministry from Asbury.  

Important to the Traditional Ministry Team is the feeling of togetherness and family in the room. We emphasize great music and traditional elements of Christian worship to bring even first-time guests into a feeling of “home.”