About Us

We’re a church at the center of Tyler’s geography and the middle of its community. 

Since 1964, we’ve been at the corner of Loop 323 and Broadway Ave. In 2013, we voted to stay put and improve our mid-century building. So, we completed a major renovation in early 2015 — giving us fresh spaces for worship, weekday childcare and group gatherings. 

Our location makes us easy to find, and our identity in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) denomination makes us a willing partner with other churches, nonprofits and for-good agencies. 

FCC Tyler is a community of faith for OUR community and the world. We aim to speak, serve and love in the abundant way we have felt loved by God. We embrace a diversity of thought, interpretation and theology. And we welcome all to the table of communion, every week. 

Knowing that, among our membership, we hold together folks of widely varying political beliefs, we are ever striving for unity without uniformity.  We respect one another and love beyond our differences. 

For more on our Disciples’ identity, and how that shows up in a few basic principles we hold, click here.

VACATION BIBLE CAMP! 2-Year-Old to 5th Grade Children Invited!